Terms and Conditions of Booking

Booking Responsibility: Responsibility for the details of bookings and for payments lies with the person making the initial booking.

Confirmation and Payment of Deposit: When we receive your booking and appropriate deposit payment we will send you an email confirming your child’s place with a statement showing details of your child’s course, plus your insurance certificate if applicable.

Payment of the Balance: The balance must be paid by debit/credit card only, by 1 May 2024.  The amount is non-refundable and is your acceptance of the booking conditions.  If payment is not received before the start date, we may refuse entry to the course and may also withhold a cancellation fee (see below).  If you book less than 10 weeks before the camp starts you must pay the full amount before your booking will be accepted.

Administration Charge: If you change your booking, after the initial confirmation, we may charge a £25 fee.

Cancellation: If you cancel your booking for any reason, all or part of your payment will be forfeited to cover our costs:

  • Before 1 May 2024: full refund on all fees paid

  • After 1 May and over 44 days before: Loss of deposit

  • 30-44 days before : loss of 50% of full course fee

  • Less than 30 days before (or once course has started) : loss of 100% of full course fee

We pay no compensation or refunds if we cancel or change a course because of war, strikes, technical problems with transportation, weather or any other event outside the control of the company – we do not offer refunds for home sickness.

If a visa application is rejected and we receive written evidence prior to arrival, we will refund the fees received in full, Where we received this evidence, the refund will be paid to you within four weeks of your providing us with the bank details and signed authorisation that the refund should be paid to the account.

Negligence: We accept responsibility for those course elements under our direct control, if caused by proven negligence of Exsportise or its employees.  We cannot accept responsibility for loss of enjoyment due to travel, strikes, weather, loss or damage to luggage or personal property, personal injury or illness while on the course, including use of sub-contractors such as transport companies.

Programme changes: We always try to fulfil the requirements given on your booking form, but we reserve the right to alter or cancel any courses, accommodation and other arrangements that are in our control. We reserve the right to cancel a course in case of insufficient numbers and aim to offer you a suitable alternative. Students may be taken off-site during the course of their coaching or teaching programme (e.g. visits to local museums, matches against local sports teams etc).

Incompatibility: We reserve the right to exclude or refuse any person at any time prior to or during the activity or course if, in our opinion, that person is not compatible with the general enjoyment and well being of other students or the satisfactory administration of the activity or course. If so, we will not refund the cost of the course. All students are subject to the course rules laid out in the final Information Pack. Any breach of rules may result in students being sent home at their own expense.

Data Protection: We ensure your personal data and that of your child is secure and comply with Data Protection regulations. We are the Data Controller of the student’s data. In certain situations, we may need to share your child’s personal data with a third party who is assisting us as an agent with regard to the booking and transportation of your client.  As part of the booking conditions, we need you to please complete and return to Exsportise Ltd the Parental Consent form for the collection of personal data by us, including the taking and use of photographs of students as set out below.  Please refer to the Company’s Privacy Policy which sets this out in more detail you will find at https://www.exsportise.co.uk/privacy/

Compensation: In the unlikely event that a student experiences a problem or difficulty while at camp, the matter should be reported immediately to the Centre Manager who has the authority and direct knowledge to deal with most queries. If he or she fails to solve the problem to your satisfaction, then write to us at our Head Office within 10 days of your child leaving camp. We will only consider compensating a complaint if both these conditions are met.

Disclosure: Exsportise require full information about an applicant’s medical, physical or behavioural conditions at the time of booking, (so that Exsportise can assess their ability to provide a properly safe environment for the applicant).
Exsportise cannot accept liability for or responsibility for a student, and reserve the right to send a student home immediately with no refund of fees, if parents fail to disclose full information about medical, physical or behavioural conditions.
We reserve the right to send a student home if non disclosed medical, physical or mental issues, make the participation or our supervision on the booked course impossible and we will not be liable for a refund.

Disclaimer: The details herein are published in good faith as at October 2020. This website is the responsibility of the company. It is not issued on behalf of any other centres used by the company (Exsportise Ltd).
